Postcards are a fun way to show those you love where you’ve been, but did you know they’re also a great way to show them where you’re going to go?

11.2% of families reported a move within the last few years, with most citing great job opportunities or housing-related reasons as two of the most significant factors.

Let your loved ones know where you’re going for your next adventure in life by following this quick guide on how to make moving postcards.

How To Create Moving Postcards Step #1

Before you create your snazzy new moving announcements, you’ll first need to establish what kind of postcard you want to send. The reason so many people love postcards is due to their versatility.

Sure, you can have a straight-up information postcard with your name and address. Or you can create a fun, silly, creative postcard that shows off your family’s fun-loving attitude.

How To Create Moving Postcards Step #2
Pick A Great Photo

Here’s where you and your family get to exercise the most creativity!

Once you’ve determined the mood of your postcard, it’s time to go about choosing a fantastic photo to adorn your announcement. If you’re struggling to come up with some ideas, we’ve got your back.

For a humorous take, snap a pic of your family on the side of the road with your thumbs in a hitchhiking position. One of you can hold a sign that says something along the lines of ‘We’re moving’.

Of course, sometimes simplicity is good, too. An elegant photo of your new home or a low-angle shot of a for sale sign that says ‘SOLD’ is another great way to get your point across.

How To Create Moving Postcards Step #3
Choose A Design

With your photo(s) selected, it’s time to find the perfect design style for your moving announcements.

While you’re certainly free to create your own design, we have tons of great templates you can use if you’re in a rush. Whether you need one panorama shot or want four smaller photos included, we’ve got you covered.

How To Create Moving Postcards Step #4
Compile Your Information

Now that the creative work is done, it’s time to get down to business.

The point of a moving postcard is to let others know where you’re headed, so don’t forget to include your future address, as well as an estimation of when you and your family plan to move. You’ll also want to include contact information such as a phone number or email address, so friends and family can get in touch.

Who knows, when you arrive at your new home, you may just have a fun postcard waiting for you!

People Are Sure To Love Your Moving Postcards

So there you have it, four quick, easy steps to help you and your family create fun, thoughtful, and clever moving postcards. But however you choose to design your postcards, people are bound to love them – because you made them! 

Ready to get to work? MyPostcard is the fastest, easiest, and most affordable way to send and create photo postcards. All you have to do is supply the address and photo. Start creating your awesome postcard today!


Hiya, I’m Maud. I’m an English girl who's moved to Berlin - because who wouldn’t fall in love with a country which has words like ‘Kummerspeck’ hidden around every corner... I love traveling and finding out the quirks of each country - and what better way to remember them than on a postcard?

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